سلام دوستان،
افسانه 1900 اسم فيلمي هست كه چند وقت پيش ديدم ... فيلم خيلي قشنگي بود
دلم ميخواد بخشي از صحبت هاي 1900 كه به نظرم جالب اومد رو براتون بنويسم:
Max: You're never really done for, as long as you've got a good story and someone to tell it to.
Max: Sometimes that is the way you have to do it: you go right back to the beginning.
1900: It wasn't what I saw that stopped me Max... it was what I didn't see.
1900: Take piano: keys begin, keys end. You know there are 88 of them. Nobody can tell you any different. They are not infinite. You're infinite... And on those keys, the music that you can make... is infinite. I like that. That I can live by...
1900: You rolled out in front of me a keyboard of millions of keys, millions and billions of keys that never end. And that's the truth Max, that they never end. That keyboard is infinite... and if that keyboard is infinite, then on that keyboard there is no music you can play. You're sitting on the wrong bench... That is God's piano.
1900: Christ, did you... did you see the streets, just the streets? There were thousands of them! Then how you do it down there, how do you choose just one... one woman, one house, one landscape to look at, one way to die...?
1900: Land? Land is a ship too big for me, it's a woman too beautiful, it's a voyage too long, perfume too strong...
اين هم آهنگ زيباي اين فيلم
شاد باشيد
۱۳۸۷ خرداد ۱, چهارشنبه
The Legend of 1900
افسانه 1900
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۳ نظر:
che jomle haye khoobi, afarin behet :)
pishnahad mikonam be site zir ham beri chon unja man ye naghd rajebe filme legend of 1900 neveshtam :)
movafagh bashi :)
salam doste aziz/man in film ro yek bar bishter movafagh be didanesh nashodam ama khilli khoob va ziba bood......man khastan ahang in falm ro begiram az linke ke dade boodi amma nashod .....hal man bayed chikar konam ke be toonam in Ahang ro daryeft konam??????
سلام دوست عزيز
ممنون از اينكه به اين وبلاگ سر زدين ... من هم موافقم، فيلم واقعا زيبايي بود
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باز هم بابت اين مشكل عذرخواهي ميكنم.
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